Hatake Ken Special 15: Summer.
?? Page Indefinitely postponed… I need to go back and finish the previous Ken’s story (Ken’s childhood) that I skipped it. Then I’ll be back to continue with sp. 15. I’m so Sorry to keep you waiting so long
Hatake Ken (Facts): Interview.
Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Updating… Ken’s interview in Konoha Magazine (1) [Hatake Ken, the only son of the 6th Hokage. 17 years old. Birthday, January 28th. 180 cm tall. Single.] Do you like sports? I like it. I like to play casually with my friends. What is your favorite sport? Hmm, maybe basketball. I can play many things. But I really like martial arts more than anything else. But my friend doesn’t want to do it with me. Can you dance? No. Not at all? How about singing? I don’t like dancing but I like to sing. My mom said that I can sing well too.…
Hatake Ken (Special shot): A boy from the future.
Corrected English translation by steviekins96 11 Pages When Ken, Kakashi and Mina’s future son, happened to travel to Konoha in the past, he met his parents. Video version Kakashi: Mina, who is that? Mina: Kakashi, look at him! He said that he is my cousin. Apparently we cost concat when we were both children. He looks really cute and so handsome, doesn’t he? Ken: (Is that dad!? He looks awesome!) Kakashi: Cousin? Why are you trusting people so easily? You can be easily fooled. Mina: But he’s still young, probably only 15-16. Ken: Well, I’m 18 now… Kakashi: What proof do you…
Hatake Ken (Facts): Difference between them.
Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Differences between Kakashi and Ken (Father and Son) Kakashi: Blood type O Ken: Blood type O Kakashi: He is right handed. Ken: He is right handed. Kakashi: Cooking skills are very delicious. Ken: Cooking skills are very delicious. Kakashi: He doesn’t like sweets. Ken: He likes sweets and ice cream. Kakashi: He doesn’t mind wearing traditional clothes or other special clothes. Ken: He doesn’t like to wear traditional clothes, but if his mother demands, he would wear it. He also doesn’t like to wear a suit. Kakashi: He is not enthusiastic but is always responsible for the duties assigned by others. He rarely…
Hatake Ken (Special shot): Traditional clothes.
Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Ken: Will we take a family photo on New Year’s Day? Sounds good. Mina: That’s right, we haven’t been take photos together for a long time since Ken-chan rarely stays in the village. Ken: But…Mom. Can I not wear a kimono? It’s annoying. You know I don’t like this kind of thing. It’s even easier for me to take photos naked than to wear a kimono. Mina: Who would prefer to take naked photos over wearing a kimono?! You’re unbelievable! Ken: It was just a metaphor…
Hatake Ken (Special shot): The cut scene moment with Mirai (from Unknown world part 4)
The cut scene moment with Mirai (from Unknown world part 4) Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Mirai: Excuse me. Nanadaime ordered me to bring these documents to you. Ken: Eh, Mirai-chan? Ken: What other documents!? That damn Hokage! He knows that I can finish them quickly, so he added more work for me? He intends to take advantage of me as much as possible while I’m here! Mirai: Uh.. Do you want me to help you with something? Ken: Eh!? Uh.. yeah sure… Ken: So, please check those documents that I just finished. Mirai: Okay. (Wow, he works very detailed. He analyzed the…
Hatake Ken Special 14: Unknown world. [Part 4]
152 Page Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Mirai: Excuse me. Nanadaime ordered me to bring these documents to you. Ken: Eh, Mirai-chan? Ken: What other documents!? That damn Hokage! He knows that I can finish them quickly, so he added more work for me? He intends to take advantage of me as much as possible while I’m here! Mirai: Uh.. Do you want me to help you with something? Ken: Eh!? Uh.. yeah sure… Ken: So, please check those documents that I just finished. Mirai: Okay. (Wow, he works very detailed. He analyzed the data and made a schematic diagram carefully and…
Hatake Ken Special 13: Unknown world. [Part 3]
87 Page Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Ken: Yawn~ Good morning dad. What are you making for breakfast? It smells pretty good. Kakashi: Hi, did you sleep well? Let’s have breakfast. Ken: It’s delicious as usual. I rarely eat your food. My mom is usually the one who cooks. Kakashi: Really? Your mom must be a really good cook. What kind of woman is she? Ken: Hahaha, you and I are way better cooks than her. She’s actually not very good at cooking. Sometimes she frys the eggs with the eggshells in it. Plus, she’s very clumsy and goofy. Kakashi: What? So..is she still living in…
Hatake Ken Special 12: Unknown world. [Part 2]
107 Page Corrected English translation by steviekins96 It’s awesome! This world is similar to my world in everything. That thief must be somewhere in this world, right? His ability gives him the opportunity to travel freely between parallel worlds. That’s why he’s known as the thief that never leaves any trace and never could get caught. [grooowwwll] But now I’m freaking hungry. I don’t know where my bag is. I must have lost it somewhere. Now I’m in a world where no one knows me, with no home to sleep in. I also don’t have any money with me. Awesome… Oh, even though I live in…
Hatake Ken Special 11: Unknown world. [Part 1]
110 Page Corrected English translation by steviekins96 Ugh!! Ken: You think you can run away from me, “Hiroto without a trace”? Wow, you really love to steal valuable treasures. I’ve heard that you are very difficult to catch. Hiroto: Let me go! Ken: Haha. I caught you and got the item back. I finished this mission. Hiroto: Hey, you really think you’ve caught me? Ken: Huh? I’ve caught you now, haven’t I? Ken: W-what’s that? A black hole?? Hiroto: HAHAHA Ken: What kind of ninjutsu is this!? What’s up with my leg!? Hiroto: Eh? W..why are you..? Ken: Why, why!? what!!?…